The Cost of Worship

July 7, 2015

The cost of worship just went up in America. Just in case you had not noticed the cost of worship is different in different places.   For example, to stand for Yehovah, my God in Iran could cost a torturous stint in prison or it may cost you your life. Up until a few years ago to stand for Yehovah in the United States was to bear an occasional criticism from an ignorant soul. This is no longer so.   The United States Government and its current leaders have chosen to increase the price of worshiping Yehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The US Government raised the price of worship to a stiff fine or even a stint in jail. The United States government is honoring a person’s sexual preference over the commandments of Yehovah.   Yes, the cost of worship has increased.

The United States was birthed for the expressed purpose of protecting God given rights.   This purpose was recognized in the Declaration of Independences and the protected rights were itemized in the first ten amendments to the Constitution.   But the Supreme Court of the United States broke that covenant with the American People.   Again it seems that the Declaration of Independence declares the action that the people in the United States, who worship Yehovah, must take.   This action is to dissolve the United States Government for it no longer protects our God given rights of life and liberty. Yes, the cost of worshiping Yehovah has increased but I know where I stand and I, as many will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and we do not love their life more than they love Yehovah.


The Process of Radicalization

April 12, 2015

Watching Media’s talking heads being perplexed, confused, and bewildered about the “radicalization process” of terrorists is both humorous and sad.  In today’s world the “process” to radicalization is simply to teach someone, anyone, a child, a teenager or an old blind man to embrace the true tenants of the Islamic faith. The “radicalized” will then take the most opportune time to kill you, simply because you are an infidel.  The word radicalization has entered the list of politically correct words because words such as  Islamist, Islamic-terrorist, Jihadist, Muslim radicals and Islam-O-Nazis have been expunged.  The past terrorist attacks and attempted attacks have come from confirmed Islamic-terrorists and the United States government has used propaganda under the guises of politically correct speech to convince many that Islam is not a factor.  None is as infamous as the Fort Hood shooting being labeled a work-place accident.   If your intelligence is not insulted and assaulted by the United States Government calling an attack on a military installation where the attacker shoots scores of people while shouting allah-u-akbar, a work place accident then you are either a sycophant supporter of Barak Hussein Obama or a radical Islamist.  The United States Government is saying to you, the American citizen, when it comes to Islam, your government is not going to defend you.    You, who were supposed to be defended from the enemies of the freedom, are on your own for the United States Government is not at war with Islam and it will never go to war with Islam.    Indeed, the United States Government is allied with Islam and would likely defame you if you spoke against Islam.   This my fellow American is the legacy of Barak Hussein Obama going to the capitals of two Islamic nations and saying to them that the United States is not at war with Islam and will never be at war with Islam.   Well, I am one American citizen that knows Islam is my enemy and is out to destroy me and my freedom and yes, all of America!   Because America will not stand with me, I have chosen to stand with Yehovah.  Islam is an enemy of Yehovah and Yehovah will defend any righteous who identifies with Him and His name.  His name, Yehovah, is a High Tower and in it I will be safe.  What are you going to do?

What Peaceful Ideology Might that Be Mr. President!

February 27, 2015

The President of the United States, you know the one, the one who insults those who follow Christ as those who have condoned the atrocities of the crusades.   The president who says the Holy Bible is full of violence and therefore implies Christianity is violent.   The president who points at the Branch Davidian as an example of how Christianity is very violent or that Timothy McAfee was a Christian Terrorist.   The Branch Dravidian never attracted anyone and Timothy McAfee was not a Christian.   This however does not seem to mitigate the President’s attack on Christianity.   Facts are simply not Obama’s long suit.   The truth is far from him.      To my knowledge Obama has never said that Christianity is a peaceful religion.   While the “peaceful religion” mantra predicates  or trails even a whisper of the word “Islam.”    He points out condescendingly   how Christians have killed in the name of Christ but forbids, even the slightest mention that Muslims kill in the name of Mohammad.   Saying anyone who would slander the prophet of Islam has no future.   If it was not for duplicity Obama would have no position at all.   He is to me an enemy of Christians and Jews. Whether he is a Muslim or not,  I cannot say.   I know he is a liar and he is an enemy of Christians and Jews.   He is a traitor to the people of the United States and He is setting all government agencies to that end.

The Enemy’s Justification for Jihad

February 17, 2015


There is one truth that is foundational which is simply that Satan is a liar and Jesus Christ is the truth. The President of the United States at the prayer breakfast in February 2015 said that Christians have had their history of terror and killed indiscriminately in the name of Christ.   Obama went on to sight the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Jim Crow laws of the early 1900s as proof positive that Christians had a sordid past and we Christians are thus to have more understanding about the indiscriminate murder of innocents committed by radical Islamists. The network talking heads took to the air-ways to proclaim their side of Obama’s attempt at using events a thousand years past to shame Christians. Those who want to defame you and your God claimed, “Yes, in the name of Christ, Christians condoned slavery” and thus are responsible for or contributed to the Jim Crow laws. As I place my foot in the stir-up of my high horse I must point out that it was Charles Wilberforce a Christian who was largely responsible for the abolishment of slavery in England. Muslims never, ever tried to abolish slavery. Muslims enslave people and carry on a slave trade to this day.   The view from my high horse can be breath-taking.

The major objective of the enemy is to defame the name of God, His Messiah and His people. Thus Obama and many of his agenda-driven talking heads defamed the name of Christ with what one should expect from an enemy of God.   The idea that the scriptures or God’s Spirit directed Christians to behead innocents and burned innocents alive in the name of Christ is simply untrue.   But this was the implication that Obama was making at the prayer breakfast.   He was not only defaming Christians, but Christ also.   Obama would never say that Muslims were killing in the name of Mohammad.   No, No, No for as Obama said at the United Nations in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama knows his demonic masters and would never defame them.

There is nothing evil that is not condemned by the Scriptures or the Spirit of Yehovah. There are Islamic scriptures and there is a spirit of Islam and both are evil and a total contradiction to the Christian Scriptures.   The book of Revelation speaks of a time when the world would blaspheme the Name of God, His dwelling place and His people [Revelation 13.6; 16.9].   We are in that time.   Stand up for His Name, defend His Name and know His Name. His Name is Yehovah and His Son’s Name is Yeshua. But, it seems that the President of the United States does not know this but he is in the enemy’s camp doing his bidding.

John L Fisk

Reflection on the Election by a Veteran

November 11, 2012

Many Americans who consider themselves servants of Yehovah have become distressed by the events of the last four years.   The fact that the American people have decided to stay the course which will obviously end in the destruction of the founding principles of these United States is disconcerting at best.  When Obama said he was going to fundamentally “change” the United States, few imagined that this statement meant that the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were at stake.     However, after four years of change the first, fifth and tenth amendments have suffered fatal blows causing the lines in these amendments to be misunderstood ramblings destined to a dusty museum.    The US government has become an oppressor of human rights led by a bevy of tyrants.    You may think this is an overstatement, an alarmist position.   But, ponder for a moment what has made the United States the greatest nation on the face of the earth in all of human history.   The United States is the first nation founded on individual liberty and freedom.  It worked so well we, in the United States shared, these principles with the people of the world and where those principals were adopted the people prospered.    In the pass when tyrants rose to threaten our liberties the United States government rose to the occasion to protect them.  Why this was declared to be the very purpose of government in the Declaration of Independence.   We the people of the United States joined in the effort and many paid the ultimate cost.   After four years of oppression the American people voted a tyrant into office for a second time choosing to get their blessings from government rather than God.    I say to you now that I will fight this concept with every fiber that is within me.    Governments are not the source of liberty.  Governments simply take liberty from individuals and tyranny is the evil that remains.  Freedom is a state of being which only exists in those who say their source is Yehovah any who say otherwise are in bondage.     Those not willing to fight to preserve the blessings of liberty are as Esau who gave his blessed birthright away for a bowl of pottage.  To those I say bon-appetite’.

But, to those that are ready to stand know this: You are standing against the government and not the people of the United States.  The ones who stand behind the government are principalities and powers in high places.    If the government takes your liberty and freedom they are performing attempted robbery of a precious gift from Yehovah.  You still have your freedom and liberty it is simply going to cost you more to keep them.   It may even cost you your life.    Stand and petition the throne for that great gift that Yehovah has given you.   A gift He gives to you so you may show Him love.     Stand before Yehovah  and repent for the apathy and ignorance that has brought this great nation to this point and pray, “Yehovah, I repent for myself and those who have cavalierly considered your great gift worthless.   I praise Your name, Yehovah, for you have given us the liberty to choose You.  I curse in the name of Your son Yeshua any attempt to take that liberty away.   I thank you for Your great salvation and praise you for all blessings which come through Your Messiah and my coming King, Yeshua.  May all Glory and Dominion go to Him who loved me and washed me from my sins in Your own blood.   I curse any attempt to redefine my country and remove from its foundation Your gift of liberty.  Arise and have mercy on the people of this nation that we may be restored in Your judgment.   Remember the righteous ones who were allowed to burn bright in your glory because of the grace You shed on this nation.  Let not their memory and their legacy be for naught.   Your grace has been made evident in this nation.  Spread Your grace and mercy over those who call upon Your name.   Forget not your promise to restore the joy of my salvation that I and all who call on Your name may be established forever and ever in your Kingdom.   As always Father it is Your will I pursue.   So I say as Your Son once said, “Your will be done”  and in His name, Yeshua  I say  amen”

Be bless,

Having done all; stand!

John L Fisk

Obama’s Voice of Tyranny at the UN: “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” The Future Must Not Belong to Obama. (Psalm 109:8)

October 1, 2012

It has become apparent that free speech is under assault in the United States.   Over two years ago a commanding General of the United States Army, David H. Petraeus, called a citizen of the United States and asked him not to burn a Koran for this would endanger troops in the field.  You cannot make this up.   The General and each troop under his command had taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  And yet this man’s constitutional rights were about to become subordinate to Islamic Sharia law!    The first amendment to the constitution is an assurance to the people of the United States that when we speak out that we would not be arrested and furthermore, all the protection of the law would be afforded us to insure our God given rights and to ensure safety.  The US government has passed laws such as the civil rights act of 1964 which would prevent anyone, any group or government from denying me, or any citizen their civil rights under this constitution. But, the United States is not protecting the rights of those who speak out against tyranny; they are rather siding with the tyrants.   General Petraeus was saying in essence: Our troops may get killed if you exercise your constitutional right to protest against tyranny.  So, do not exercise your constitutional right. When this US citizen would not submit to the Generals request, the request became a threat. The United States Government officials all the way up to the Secretary of State began to defame him, and call him all sorts of names. They were intent on keeping him silent.  Thus, the United States said to Terry Jones, a pastor of a small congregation in Florida, who then became the man in the cross hairs: You have no freedom of speech.  If you speak out, it will cost you, for you are saying things that are offensive.

The story of Terry Jones is one of a man who is being demonized, persecuted and slandered by the United States Government and by the current Obama administration. He is being called a hate monger, Islamaphobic, a radical terrorist, a despicable man, and a crackpot Florida pastor and far worse by the United States Government and their adoring Media. The media and the government got together and stated that Terry Jones was the cause of all the unrest exemplified by a marching army of offended Muslems around the world.    He provoked them to a frenzy and this frenzy has cause many deaths.   Therefore, it is Terry Jones who is causing all the deaths.  Even Lindsey Graham said of the Terry Jones incident, “It is unfortunate we have freedom of speech.”   We have a marching army of ignorant politicians and they are ready to concede your liberties and freedom to win the war on terror!

Obama has declared in eloquent speeches, in two Islamic capitals that the United States would never go to war with Islam.   This, however, did not prevent Islam from declaring war on the United States.  See here, here and here.  If the truth be known, what you are now observing around the world is Islam waging war on the United States and their allies.   The Islamic states are organized into a group called the OIC (Organization of Islamic Corporation). This war has an initial objective and that objective is to take the freedom of speech from the United States citizen.    This and other objectives of Islam are listed on the OIC website. Look at their requests and consider what this administration has done to line up with these requests.  This is nothing more than the United States surrendering to the Islamic world.

The President of the United States said in a speech before the UN and I quote, “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”.   Slander in Islam is no less slander if it is the truth.   Truth is a defense of slander in this country. So, as a statement of truth and in defiance of this President and his treasonous administration, I proclaim:  The prophet of Islam is a murderous, lying, thieving pervert and the koran will teach you to be just like him!


July 22, 2012

The curtain has been withdrawn on Obama    and his cast of czars.  It is now obvious that this administration sits in the same position as the Nazi régime when the Riechstag burned.    The event became the opportunity that the Nazi used to take over Germany.    Hitler knew how to turn a disaster into an opportunity; a regular expert.    The picture is from the 1933 burning of the Reichstag, shows the building with the words “Dem Deutchen Volke” emblazoned on the front.  These words simply translate into “the German People” and history has shown that it was the end of the German republic until the blood shed of WWII had draw it’s last drop.  Obama’s latest assault on the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution is just another point of throwing the whole constitution into the fire:  a constitution that begins with the words,  “We the People”.   The latest flames are the attempt to pass a treaty with the UN to torches the second amendment.  The ink is not dry on the document signed by Clinton to take your second amendment rights.   Americans do not seem to realize that treaties are laws that supersede the US Constitution, but Obama has it all figured out.  He also knows that congress will not act to defend the constitution of the United States.  With the arrogance of a dictator Obama made a recess  appointment to the Department of Labor when there was no recess.   Rather than put out the fire to the burning of an article of the constitution, congress does what they do best NOTHING.    With congressional approval there was a law passed on New Year’s Eve which revoked your right to due process given the government thinks you’re a terrorist.  Obama is now burning the first amendment by dictating to your conscience, telling you what you must believe and enforcing his dictates by an army of non-elected czars.   The flames are scorching the second amendment, devoured the tenth and the fifth.  The main articles of the constitution are now becoming fuel for the fire.  The ignorance of the American people is the breeze needed to feed the fire oxygen .  Our constitution will be in the ash bucket soon.   As many of the German people celebrated the rise of the brutal Nazi régime, so many Americans are celebrating the rise of the oppressive and destructive Obama régime.    This is not the time for good men to be silent.  The wolf is at the door.  We do not have the luxury of one more year let alone four.   The up-and-coming election is critical.  Congress will do nothing but warm their hands by the fire. The courts will do nothing but throw fuel on the fire.   The fate of the United States has been placed by Yehovah into the hands of the people, that is, “We the People.”    Our hope is now in the hands of the people and if that fails our only hope is the mercy of Yehovah.   Selah


November 6, 2011

John L Fisk

Obama’s Arab spring blossomed into a glorious sweet smelling nirvana cesspool.   Egypt shed itself of Mubarak and gave itself over to Islam and the fruit of blossoms: Coptic Christian being killed, Jews being jailed and war being threatened with Israel.  Tunis, the initial bud of this Arab spring was reported to flower into a model of capitalism and Jeffersonian liberty.   The fruit is the oppression of sharia law.  The warmth of this spring broke out as a war in Libya.   Obama, NATO and the US press said Libya would go from a terrorist state into a bastion of freedom and security, that is, as–soon-as those nasty anti-aircraft missiles can be found.    Now the warmth of the Arab spring has gone skipping and tripping into Syria, Jordan, Gaza, Yemen and Saudi Arabia and many other countries where freedom loving idealistic Islamic terrorist live.   Ten of thousand have died and many more must before the great “Pure” Islamic kingdom comes to full fruit.   The perfection of the final solution has not been realized, the slaughter of both Christians and Jews will continue until the goal is reached.    When all the Islamic states melt together into one pure great Islamic nation the world will be close to perfect.  Christians and Jews will have been totally wiped-out, converted or subjected, the Islamic kingdom, will be here for all to smell.  Oppression and tyranny will be common. Yes, Obama’s Arab spring will have come to full fruit – right before your eyes noses.   Now that Kaddafi is dead and al Qaeda’s flag flies over the city hall in Benghazi.    Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, is making a victory tour of Libya.  (You can’t make this up.) Can you imagine what this administration will do when the Muslim Caliphate comes to power over the kingdom of Islam?   Why, nirvana and victory would be proclaimed in the halls of government through out Washington and you will be Islamic, dead or subjected.  Glorious days will be proclaimed and death to those who do not celebrate the oppression.   But, there is always the possibility that you may wake-up and choose to stand for your God given liberty and freedom.  You may even choose Yehovah over the god of Islam.  Imagine!  Yes, imagine, for you have the God given choice as to what Kingdom you may enter:  the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness.  You do not have to exercise your choice but that just mean you will stay where the enemy (Islam) places you.    Yehovah suggests you choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19).  So do I.


October 17, 2011

John L Fisk


Obama decided last week that it was in the security interest of the United States to send troops to central Africa to fight against a rebel group called the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).   The press is now reporting that this “Christian” fringe group of about 10 to 15 hundred operating from Southern Sudan,   is going around raping, killing and slave trading, and their nefarious activity has suddenly become a threat to the United States security.    I had not heard of the LRA until last week.   But, I have heard of Omar Hassan al-Bashr, he is the convicted international criminal  who has murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians in southern Sudan.   Is it not curious,  that it is not in the United States’ interest to send troops to overthrow Omar Hassan Al-Bashr?

Then there’s the Muslim Brotherhood, the sponsor of Hamas and other infamous Muslim terrorist groups.  They are poised to take over Egypt in November.  The Egyptian army killed scores of Coptic Christians Last week in apparent attempt to please the Muslim Brotherhood.  They killed a few Christians by running them over with US made tanks.  This  should have made the front page of the NY Times, but it did not.   The US media reported very little on the event.  The United States not only did not see fit to condemn the act but is continuing aid to Egypt.   Is it not curious how the 1500 strong LRA looms as a bigger threat than the millions in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood?

The Obama administration must have heard of the al-Shabaab, a Muslim terrorist group tied to al-Qaeda.  They have been sponsoring raids on shipping, including US shipping, along the horn of Africa.  This week the al-Shabaab have kidnapped  aid workers from refugee camps in Kenya  who were helping the Somali famine victims.  They were in Kenya to escape the al-Shabaab.   What a curiosity that the LRA is considered more of a threat to the United States than the al-Shabaab.

Then there is the Hezbollah, an Iranian linked Muslim group who are mustering forces in Mexico, joining with drug cartels to attack US interests in the United States.    This is the same group that attacked US Marines in Lebanon in the early 1980’s, killing scores of US Marines.  Last week the Obama administration, in what appears to be a “wag the dog” moment, revealed the plot where Iranian agents were going to attack interests in the United States.   This was just about the time he announced  the sending of troops to central Africa to counter the LRA.  I suspect that the announcement about the action of the Iranian agents from Mexico was a political necessity given the heat the administration was getting on “Fast and Furious.”  The action seemed to work for the US press dutifully amplified attorney General Holder’s announcement on this account over the scandal of “Fast and Furious.” Curious, how the LRA in central Africa is more of a threat than the Hezbollah mustering on the United States border.

One more thing, the LRA has other enemies.  They are the Muslim terrorist groups mentioned above.   Curious, is it not?   How different would the actions of Barack Hussein Obama be if he were a Muslim, allied with our terrorist enemies?   How different would his actions be if Barack Hussein Obama were a traitor trying to undermine the security of the United States?   Curious.


July 18, 2010


John L Fisk

July 18, 2010

There are many ways that Barak Obama has demonstrated that his support lies squarely with Islam.  The declaration for NASA to “reach out” to the Islamic world is but the latest.  But none of his overtures to Islam have been as destructive to the United States as the two declarations he made in two Islamic Capitols.   The first is that the United States is no longer a Christian Nation.  The second is that the United States is not at war with Islam and never will go to war with Islam.  Within a year of these declarations the United States was attacked on six different occasions by men who were indoctrinated and motivated by Islam.   They attempted to kill as many Americans as they could in their planned attacks.   The web site chronicles the six events:

  1. Islamic agent plotted to set off a car bomb in  Illinois
  2. Islamic agent plotted to blow up a skyscraper in Dallas
  3. Islamic agent attempted to detonate an airplane over Detroit
  4. Islamic agent murdered an army recruiter in Arkansas
  5. Islamic agent planted a car bomb in Times Square
  6. Islamic agent massacred thirteen people in Texas.

Obama’s declaration that the United States will NEVER go to war with Islam means that the United States will not recognize Islam as an enemy until Obama is removed from office and his foolish declarations are revoked.  This problem is manifested in examples like the Pentagon’s report to congress on the Fort Hood incident, number six on the list, which never mentions the words Islam or Islamic.     A state of war exists between the United States and Islam.   Islam is sending their troops to the United States to destroy the United States.  America is destined to be defeated in a war that Islam is waging against it.  That destiny cannot be changed until it recognizes Islam as its enemy and declares war on that enemy.  Selah

Make a New Declaration of Independence? We Can Just Use the Old One

May 28, 2010

John L Fisk


The Declaration of Independence declares the reasons the United States broke its ties with England. The statement was made that governments are formed among men to protect the God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The implication was that England was not protecting these rights.  So we in America formed a new government. This government is the government that we have today.  This government has evolved to become an enemy of the people.  Governments cannot protect life without providing for the common defense.   You cannot provide for the common defense if you refuse to protect the borders; if you refuse to enforce the law.

Janet Napalitano, the Secretary of Home Land Security, says she will not enforce the law, she is saying: I will not protect life!  I will not protect your liberty.   She is saying to you, the people of Arizona and the United States:  Protect your own life.  We in the federal government are not going to enforce the law thus we are not going to provide for the common defense.  Janet Napalitano has been appointed by Barak Obama who has determined and stated boldly that the rights in the bill of rights are negative rights.  It would follow that Obama believes that life and liberty are negative rights.  Furthermore, rights like health care and housing are to Obama positive rights and he has determined that YOU the tax payer are on the hook to provide government power to distribute these rights to those who have no health care or housing.  The government can then become like god and distribute the wealth and the poor will give honor, praise and thanksgiving to the government.  Obama is trying to establish this state of economic reality; indeed he desires the praise of the people.    Of course the money will be skimmed as the government takes from one to give to another.   Eventually all will be poor and the United States government will be broke and that right soon.  Death of America will come through violence, neglect, and the lack of resources.  Decay of America will be the fruit of Obama’s rule.  The most likely end will be revolution and the death of many.  As long as the likes of Barak Obama are in power, the nation is destined to failure.  We are still a nation of the people and for the people and therefore have chosen our destiny.  Let us pray that our destructive course can be averted at the next opportunity to choose which is November.   Embrace Obama and look to Cuba, it is your destiny America.


April 26, 2010

John L Fisk


This week the Pentagon, and let’s be clear, the Obama Administration,  disinvited Franklin Graham from attending the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service on May 6, 2010. The reason is simply that after 9-11 Franklin Graham stated the truth and said that Islam is evil.   So it is. It is not enough that Islam’s agents have killed thousands of the Americans, attacked our embassies, our military and our way of life.   Rather than fight this evil our Government is blackmailing its own people to bow to the god of Islam and renounce Yahweh the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.    The god of Islam is not God, and I refuse to say he is.   There is but one God and His name is Yahweh.  These truths have been rejected by the United States government.   My government, led by Obama, has said it will not go to war with Islam.   Obama has told the people of the United States that they should respect Islam, the ideology of hate.  The United States as an appeasement to Islam prefers the god of Islam over the God of Christians and Jews.  As of this moment, my government has declared war on Yahweh.   I stand with Yahweh thus I know the government of the United States is at war with me.  Their objective is to have me bow to the god of Islam, the god of death.   My God has not asked me to take arms against the United States but simply to stand with Him.   I know that Franklin Graham stands with Yahweh and the United States is coming against him too.   Islam, with which the United States stands, has long ago declared war on Yahweh.  They will lose this endeavor for it is Yahweh that made the United States a glorious nation.  As the United States shows a preference for Islam and abandoned the God of it fathers, its former glory will fade into the trash heap of history just as Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia.   I weep for this nation when I consider that God is just (Thomas Jefferson).


April 13, 2010

John L Fisk


There was Obama’s submission bow to Islam:

Obama’s low bow for the short head of state:

Obama’s China bow to show his respect for the reds:

Then there is Obama with the Head of the State of Israel:

Get The Picture?