The Enemy is at the Gates

September 14, 2015

Back in April 2015 Islamist under the factional banner of ISIS beheaded twenty Christians on a beach in Libya.   ISIS, referred to as the JV-team by the erudite United States President, claimed that they were going to invade Europe.   The JV-Islamist even detailed the tactics that were going to be used.   They were simply going to flood Europe with refugees, and mingle terrorist among them.   European leaders mocked and ridiculed and promoted the thought that terror would never come to their cities.  A Roman news paper advised them not to come during the rush hour for the traffic would most certainly hold them up.  Seven months later the Muslim immigrants are invading Europe by the tens of thousands even by-passing the 500,000 ISIS promised to send.    Anyone would think that European leaders of the free about-to-be-enslaved world would take notice.  But no, these leaders believe their own rhetoric and think that these refugees are fleeing war torn Syria, forgetting about the refugees coming from places like Libya, Tunis, and Algeria and they don’t seem to notice how Christians are being killed en-mass when they try to leave with the Islamic hoard.      The assault on Europe is about to turn into an attacks on European capitals the likes of which has not been seen since World War II.  You may want to consider that this is also a crisis in the United States … How’s your Arabic?

The Vatican, a small city state surrounded by a wall has been ordered by the Pope to take in two immigrant families. You cannot make this up, the Pope is taking in people with the very ideology that is killing Christians by the thousands.   Followers of this ideology have sworn to kill the Pope and destroy the Vatican.   If the Pope cannot recognize an anti-Christ spirit, how would you anyone suppose the other European leaders to recognize the evil?    Come soon LORD Jesus.

The Cost of Worship

July 7, 2015

The cost of worship just went up in America. Just in case you had not noticed the cost of worship is different in different places.   For example, to stand for Yehovah, my God in Iran could cost a torturous stint in prison or it may cost you your life. Up until a few years ago to stand for Yehovah in the United States was to bear an occasional criticism from an ignorant soul. This is no longer so.   The United States Government and its current leaders have chosen to increase the price of worshiping Yehovah the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The US Government raised the price of worship to a stiff fine or even a stint in jail. The United States government is honoring a person’s sexual preference over the commandments of Yehovah.   Yes, the cost of worship has increased.

The United States was birthed for the expressed purpose of protecting God given rights.   This purpose was recognized in the Declaration of Independences and the protected rights were itemized in the first ten amendments to the Constitution.   But the Supreme Court of the United States broke that covenant with the American People.   Again it seems that the Declaration of Independence declares the action that the people in the United States, who worship Yehovah, must take.   This action is to dissolve the United States Government for it no longer protects our God given rights of life and liberty. Yes, the cost of worshiping Yehovah has increased but I know where I stand and I, as many will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and we do not love their life more than they love Yehovah.


The Capitulating Church

May 15, 2015

Sunday night, May 3, 2015, there was a terror attack in Garland Texas. The attack was on an event put together by Pamela Geller, an outspoken Jewish Zionist. The event was to draw Mohammad in a cartoon. The effort was to ridicule Mohammad, his ideas, his murderous ways, his perversion, and his evil life. The event was a contest with a ten thousand dollar prize for the best cartoon. A cartoon of Mohammad is an easy task for the satirical ground is rich.

However, the followers of Islam would line-up for the honor to kill anyone who had blasphemed Mohammad. Many know this. Two such Muslims zipped out of Arizona and drove across Texas to attempt this very feat. In most Islamic countries Pamela Geller would be flogged, jailed or executed for the Sharia punishment for blaspheming Mohammad is death. Not only did Pamela deserve death in the eyes of these Islamic avengers but everyone in the event deserved death and the two Muslims from Arizona were fully aware of Islamic law and were just the ones to carry out the executions. The motive of the terrorist has been lost on the press for this is not the ideology of a radical Islamist; this is the ideology of Islam. The main line press does not want to point it out or even investigate it for they are afraid of the truth. Furthermore, the truth does not fit their narrative.

The Koran is something like Mein Kampf, it is the ramblings of a mad man named Mohammad.   The Koran has something else in common with Mein Kampf: the ideology of both books will motivate those who follow that ideology to kill.   The Koran is put together with a few other books about the life and times of Mohammad to compose a code, a set of laws, called Sharia which Muslims desire to impose on the entire world.     These laws are intended to subject all who do not convert to Islam with oppression and eventually death. This code was being followed by the two adventurous terrorists from Arizona but they ran into resistance and were shot dead by a security Guard.

Another thing about the teaching of Islam, it teaches Muslims to lie, especially if they are in the minority. Such is the case with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), They lie, deceive and plot to carry out an object to kill all who would blaspheme Mohammad while at the same time saying they are peaceful. Unfortunately, most Americans continue to be deceived.  They have been brain washed with the mantra that says, “Islam is a peaceful religion.” Here’s the truth: Islam is a cult of death!

The deception is so deep and wide that even many in the Church have chosen to capitulate to Islam which of course is an eventual death sentence. They do not resist Islam but rather open their churches for the worship of the god of Islam. The god of Islam is worshiped freely just as Ezekiel found the abominable heathen god Tammuz in the temple as recorded in Ezekiel 8:13-14.   Even those who don’t allow this abomination in the Church will not criticize Mohammad, nor the ideology of Islam for fear of offending a Muslim, saying that they can win them to Christ with kindness. What nonsense! I believe the motives are self-righteousness and fear, but the excuse is that they want to “love” the Muslim to Christ.   They do not know that the doctrine in Islam that says God has no son nor does he need a son is quintessentially anti-Christ. (I John 2:22)   (Surah 2:115-116; 4:157; 9:30; 10:68-69) Even after this conversion there are some who call those they think converted their brother Muslims. The deception is deep and wide like the song that was sung in the past about the love of Yehovah, Our God.    How do I know this?   I know it because the church has not been critical of Islam but they have been critical of Pamela Geller.   They have called her everything but a Muslim. They criticized her for pointing out the evils of Islam.   “Why, she provoked them”, they are saying, “She deserves what she gets. It was just a stupid stunt.”  Some have even said it was unfortunate that the terrorist did not succeed.   She was not only attacked by the Church but by the Media, the culture, the US Government and Islam.    I pray that she shrugs off the rejection that would have caused the best of them to quit and go home. She is truly an intrepid solder in the fight of a rudimentary evil called Islam.     There is a day and that day is short to come when the evilness of Islam will be most apparent.   And those who have criticized Pamela and her efforts will repent in sack cloth and ashes or be buried in the oncoming war with Islam.

This is not to say that the evangelical effort to convert a Muslim should not continue,   knowing, however that once a Muslim accepts Christ they are no longer a Muslim.   Furthermore, there is an instant death sentence placed on their head by Sharia law. Those who do not know this cannot make a logical judgment,   I have heard that the Bishop of Bagdad counseled some Muslim about the repercussions of making a decision for Christ and being baptized and some who were counseled were killed before a week lapsed.   This is serious and it is no time to take it out on the ones who are placing their selves in harm’s way for the sake of your liberty.

The Process of Radicalization

April 12, 2015

Watching Media’s talking heads being perplexed, confused, and bewildered about the “radicalization process” of terrorists is both humorous and sad.  In today’s world the “process” to radicalization is simply to teach someone, anyone, a child, a teenager or an old blind man to embrace the true tenants of the Islamic faith. The “radicalized” will then take the most opportune time to kill you, simply because you are an infidel.  The word radicalization has entered the list of politically correct words because words such as  Islamist, Islamic-terrorist, Jihadist, Muslim radicals and Islam-O-Nazis have been expunged.  The past terrorist attacks and attempted attacks have come from confirmed Islamic-terrorists and the United States government has used propaganda under the guises of politically correct speech to convince many that Islam is not a factor.  None is as infamous as the Fort Hood shooting being labeled a work-place accident.   If your intelligence is not insulted and assaulted by the United States Government calling an attack on a military installation where the attacker shoots scores of people while shouting allah-u-akbar, a work place accident then you are either a sycophant supporter of Barak Hussein Obama or a radical Islamist.  The United States Government is saying to you, the American citizen, when it comes to Islam, your government is not going to defend you.    You, who were supposed to be defended from the enemies of the freedom, are on your own for the United States Government is not at war with Islam and it will never go to war with Islam.    Indeed, the United States Government is allied with Islam and would likely defame you if you spoke against Islam.   This my fellow American is the legacy of Barak Hussein Obama going to the capitals of two Islamic nations and saying to them that the United States is not at war with Islam and will never be at war with Islam.   Well, I am one American citizen that knows Islam is my enemy and is out to destroy me and my freedom and yes, all of America!   Because America will not stand with me, I have chosen to stand with Yehovah.  Islam is an enemy of Yehovah and Yehovah will defend any righteous who identifies with Him and His name.  His name, Yehovah, is a High Tower and in it I will be safe.  What are you going to do?

What Peaceful Ideology Might that Be Mr. President!

February 27, 2015

The President of the United States, you know the one, the one who insults those who follow Christ as those who have condoned the atrocities of the crusades.   The president who says the Holy Bible is full of violence and therefore implies Christianity is violent.   The president who points at the Branch Davidian as an example of how Christianity is very violent or that Timothy McAfee was a Christian Terrorist.   The Branch Dravidian never attracted anyone and Timothy McAfee was not a Christian.   This however does not seem to mitigate the President’s attack on Christianity.   Facts are simply not Obama’s long suit.   The truth is far from him.      To my knowledge Obama has never said that Christianity is a peaceful religion.   While the “peaceful religion” mantra predicates  or trails even a whisper of the word “Islam.”    He points out condescendingly   how Christians have killed in the name of Christ but forbids, even the slightest mention that Muslims kill in the name of Mohammad.   Saying anyone who would slander the prophet of Islam has no future.   If it was not for duplicity Obama would have no position at all.   He is to me an enemy of Christians and Jews. Whether he is a Muslim or not,  I cannot say.   I know he is a liar and he is an enemy of Christians and Jews.   He is a traitor to the people of the United States and He is setting all government agencies to that end.

The Enemy’s Justification for Jihad

February 17, 2015


There is one truth that is foundational which is simply that Satan is a liar and Jesus Christ is the truth. The President of the United States at the prayer breakfast in February 2015 said that Christians have had their history of terror and killed indiscriminately in the name of Christ.   Obama went on to sight the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Jim Crow laws of the early 1900s as proof positive that Christians had a sordid past and we Christians are thus to have more understanding about the indiscriminate murder of innocents committed by radical Islamists. The network talking heads took to the air-ways to proclaim their side of Obama’s attempt at using events a thousand years past to shame Christians. Those who want to defame you and your God claimed, “Yes, in the name of Christ, Christians condoned slavery” and thus are responsible for or contributed to the Jim Crow laws. As I place my foot in the stir-up of my high horse I must point out that it was Charles Wilberforce a Christian who was largely responsible for the abolishment of slavery in England. Muslims never, ever tried to abolish slavery. Muslims enslave people and carry on a slave trade to this day.   The view from my high horse can be breath-taking.

The major objective of the enemy is to defame the name of God, His Messiah and His people. Thus Obama and many of his agenda-driven talking heads defamed the name of Christ with what one should expect from an enemy of God.   The idea that the scriptures or God’s Spirit directed Christians to behead innocents and burned innocents alive in the name of Christ is simply untrue.   But this was the implication that Obama was making at the prayer breakfast.   He was not only defaming Christians, but Christ also.   Obama would never say that Muslims were killing in the name of Mohammad.   No, No, No for as Obama said at the United Nations in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama knows his demonic masters and would never defame them.

There is nothing evil that is not condemned by the Scriptures or the Spirit of Yehovah. There are Islamic scriptures and there is a spirit of Islam and both are evil and a total contradiction to the Christian Scriptures.   The book of Revelation speaks of a time when the world would blaspheme the Name of God, His dwelling place and His people [Revelation 13.6; 16.9].   We are in that time.   Stand up for His Name, defend His Name and know His Name. His Name is Yehovah and His Son’s Name is Yeshua. But, it seems that the President of the United States does not know this but he is in the enemy’s camp doing his bidding.

John L Fisk

Just Wondering…

November 22, 2012

John L Fisk

Ever wonder about the people of Germany in the 1930’s?  That is when a nation which called itself a Christian nation allowed a tyrant of untold horror to come to power.  How did this tyrant, Adolf Hitler come to power in a civilized country, indeed how was he voted in?  How were a people who claimed to be mostly Christian deceived into embracing one of the most evil ideologies in all of history?  How was the ideology of Nazism allowed to continue until it was overcome by the death of fifty million souls? Why didn’t Christian churches stand against the evil that so encompassed Europe and indeed the world?  How was it that the silence of the lambs became a shout of acceptance to the “Final Solution” where genocide became perfectly acceptable?  Do you think Yehovah may have placed some of the responsibility for the death camps on the hands of the good and silent Christians. I wonder.

Before I hear the shouts of how redemptive the forgiveness of God is, let me state:  I am fully aware that forgiveness is in the atoning blood of Yeshua and how a confession of sin brings a generous application of that Blood.   But, 75 years or so after WWII ended and Israel was reborn out of the mouth of Yehovah, many who call themselves Christians are scheming to bring the destruction of Israel to a reality. They desire this simply because the existence of the land and the people does not fit into their doctrine.   They are calling for the boycott of Israel pointing out manufactured human rights abuses as their justification.  They do other things in closed company like trying to demonize the flag of Israel or they point out a conspiracy theory, they may even bring out a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  They try their best to destroy Israel with their lying and their conniving. These same Christians while ignoring the real civil rights abuse of the likes of Sudan, Syria, Egypt and Pakistan, claim they are unbiased and have no anti-Semitic agenda.  They are stumbling around motivated by the lie that says Yehovah will not restore the nation of Israel on earth.  They believe they alone are chosen of Yehovah and have usurped Yehovah’s first love and are playing the interloper claiming the mantel of “spiritual Israel.”   They try to convince themselves that the nation of Israel is nothing but a mirage.  They do not have the Spirit of repentance which is absolutely required to apply the blood of Yeshua.  No, they do not have the Spirit of repentance; they have rather the spirit of Amalek. They see the plan of God as a plan that must be stopped if the nation of Israel is in the future of Yehovah’s plan, in as much as the people and the land of Israel are a part of that plan.  However, despite the wolves and their pups in the Christian community Yehovah’s plan is going forward.  We who rejoice in the plan of Yehovah watch as the whole world form a confederacy against that plan.  There is a scripture in the Revelation that says that every nation shall wail because of Him even so, amen.    I say, as John in the Revelation, let them wail! Yehovah, arise and have mercy on Zion. Amen

In 1933, Germany was coming out from humiliation, hyper inflation and economic depression.   The German people thought the worst was over.  They had reason to hope for on January 1933 Adolph Hitler became chancellor of Germany.  Change was in the air and change came!  From 1933 to 1945 Germany went from recovery to total destruction, from hope to despair, from freedom to bondage; from unity to division.   Germany went into an abyss and it took forty years to recover.   The rubble of the cities of Germany was collected into great mounds and in many cities such as Munich the German people built parks and even buildings on top of the voluminous rubble.

There was another change from 1933 to 1945:  In 1933 there were few Zionist Jews in Europe, in 1945 it was hard to find a Jew who was not a Zionist.  Yes the Jews that survived the final solution had Zion on their mind.   God has His ways of placing an idea in our minds to achieve His plan.   Blessed be the Name of Yehovah.

Hitler’s coming to power in 1933 was seen as an economic blessing. Hitler had a speech which he gave on February 10th1933 which was inclusive and nationalistic and called for change.   He spoke of change and a shared effort and a new and greater Germany.   The German people were ignoring the situation with the brown shirts, and the constant anti-Semitic rhetoric and the torching of the Reichstag in April.  Yes, in 1933 Hitler received the support of the working class and the elitists and even the educated Jews who hung out at German Universities as professors and students.  They discounted the anti-Semitism as merely campaign rhetoric.  They never saw the death camps and the “final solution” coming.   The ignorance of the “enlightened”Jews was so great they did not wake up until one dark cold night in November of 1938 called kristallnacht or the night of the broken glass.   It was then too late to change course and few Jews got out of Germany.  Their fate was sealed but many Jews who escaped went to Poland with nothing but what little they could carry.  They went to Poland for safety and to flee the reach of Adolf Hitler.  Little did they know that Poland was the waiting room for the gas chambers.  Reality over took them in September of 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and WWII began.   The terror of the holocaust was hidden from the world and made manifest to the Jews.  It was not until 1945 in the rubble of a fallen nation would the world see the unbelievable savagery of the Nazi regime.   The Jews awoke to a new reality and the world wondered about the depth of the evil of the heart of men.   During this period of reflection Israel rose and overcame the holocaust to gather as a nation to the very spot Yehovah promised to gather them.  Israel was assaulted from its inception and upon every assault Israel grew stronger and upon every compromise Israel grew weaker.  Every time Israel was perceived as weak a war ensued.    Funny how Israel’s enemies miss calculate Israel’s strength.  God is in the destiny of Israel, thus, their enemies always lose.  Enemies of Israel who are more than a generation old are buried and arise only when an archeologist digs them up.  But, there are always new enemies that look for the next sign of weakness.  They then take their place in the dust for the pleasure of the next generation of archeologists.    On one of these occasions Israel’s enemies will rise up to the prey, but Yeshua is going to show up and destroy them with the brightness of His coming!   This is the good news of the Kingdom!    You cannot afford to make the mistake of being on the wrong side of this fight. Selah

I have come to the parting of the way

November 16, 2012

I, as I am sure many others are, disappointed in the Presidential election.   The loss of rights and freedom of the American people has become a forgone conclusion.   For the first time in my life I do not have confidence in the ability of the United States to defend me and my family.  The will of the Commander in Chief to defend even an American ambassador is in question.   Why would anyone think that such a man would defend any American?   Now, after the tyrannical course of this nation has been set, each American has a choice and that to fight or capitulate.

We who call ourselves servants of Yehovah or Christians and Americans have a split loyalty.   The loyalty is between our God and our country.  I did not find this a problem when I was in the military, but that was before the military was required to accept homosexuality as a norm.  It was when chaplains in the military could pray in the name of Jesus.   Yes, when I could give loyalty to both my country and to the Lamb was before I had to use my money and resources to  enable others to kill babies.   It was a time when I could speak about the evils of the God of Islam without fear of government recourse or government persecution. When I could pledge allegiance in truth, NASA was an agency that promoted the exploration of space and not the Muslim culture.  I could pledge allegiance to the flag and republic of the United States and found no conflict with pledging my allegiance to the Lamb but alas this is no longer true.    I have come to the parting of the ways with my loyalty to the United States and my loyalty to my God.   This means that I will not pledge any allegiance to this country nor its flag, for the course the United States has chosen is a straight line to the pits of hell.  I refuse to ride in that cart! I do not know what course others may take but as for me and my house we will serve Yehovah.

I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb!

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb with all my strength, with all I am.  I will seek to honor His commands,  I pledge allegiance to the Lamb.

Reflection on the Election by a Veteran

November 11, 2012

Many Americans who consider themselves servants of Yehovah have become distressed by the events of the last four years.   The fact that the American people have decided to stay the course which will obviously end in the destruction of the founding principles of these United States is disconcerting at best.  When Obama said he was going to fundamentally “change” the United States, few imagined that this statement meant that the principles of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were at stake.     However, after four years of change the first, fifth and tenth amendments have suffered fatal blows causing the lines in these amendments to be misunderstood ramblings destined to a dusty museum.    The US government has become an oppressor of human rights led by a bevy of tyrants.    You may think this is an overstatement, an alarmist position.   But, ponder for a moment what has made the United States the greatest nation on the face of the earth in all of human history.   The United States is the first nation founded on individual liberty and freedom.  It worked so well we, in the United States shared, these principles with the people of the world and where those principals were adopted the people prospered.    In the pass when tyrants rose to threaten our liberties the United States government rose to the occasion to protect them.  Why this was declared to be the very purpose of government in the Declaration of Independence.   We the people of the United States joined in the effort and many paid the ultimate cost.   After four years of oppression the American people voted a tyrant into office for a second time choosing to get their blessings from government rather than God.    I say to you now that I will fight this concept with every fiber that is within me.    Governments are not the source of liberty.  Governments simply take liberty from individuals and tyranny is the evil that remains.  Freedom is a state of being which only exists in those who say their source is Yehovah any who say otherwise are in bondage.     Those not willing to fight to preserve the blessings of liberty are as Esau who gave his blessed birthright away for a bowl of pottage.  To those I say bon-appetite’.

But, to those that are ready to stand know this: You are standing against the government and not the people of the United States.  The ones who stand behind the government are principalities and powers in high places.    If the government takes your liberty and freedom they are performing attempted robbery of a precious gift from Yehovah.  You still have your freedom and liberty it is simply going to cost you more to keep them.   It may even cost you your life.    Stand and petition the throne for that great gift that Yehovah has given you.   A gift He gives to you so you may show Him love.     Stand before Yehovah  and repent for the apathy and ignorance that has brought this great nation to this point and pray, “Yehovah, I repent for myself and those who have cavalierly considered your great gift worthless.   I praise Your name, Yehovah, for you have given us the liberty to choose You.  I curse in the name of Your son Yeshua any attempt to take that liberty away.   I thank you for Your great salvation and praise you for all blessings which come through Your Messiah and my coming King, Yeshua.  May all Glory and Dominion go to Him who loved me and washed me from my sins in Your own blood.   I curse any attempt to redefine my country and remove from its foundation Your gift of liberty.  Arise and have mercy on the people of this nation that we may be restored in Your judgment.   Remember the righteous ones who were allowed to burn bright in your glory because of the grace You shed on this nation.  Let not their memory and their legacy be for naught.   Your grace has been made evident in this nation.  Spread Your grace and mercy over those who call upon Your name.   Forget not your promise to restore the joy of my salvation that I and all who call on Your name may be established forever and ever in your Kingdom.   As always Father it is Your will I pursue.   So I say as Your Son once said, “Your will be done”  and in His name, Yeshua  I say  amen”

Be bless,

Having done all; stand!

John L Fisk

Obama’s Voice of Tyranny at the UN: “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” The Future Must Not Belong to Obama. (Psalm 109:8)

October 1, 2012

It has become apparent that free speech is under assault in the United States.   Over two years ago a commanding General of the United States Army, David H. Petraeus, called a citizen of the United States and asked him not to burn a Koran for this would endanger troops in the field.  You cannot make this up.   The General and each troop under his command had taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  And yet this man’s constitutional rights were about to become subordinate to Islamic Sharia law!    The first amendment to the constitution is an assurance to the people of the United States that when we speak out that we would not be arrested and furthermore, all the protection of the law would be afforded us to insure our God given rights and to ensure safety.  The US government has passed laws such as the civil rights act of 1964 which would prevent anyone, any group or government from denying me, or any citizen their civil rights under this constitution. But, the United States is not protecting the rights of those who speak out against tyranny; they are rather siding with the tyrants.   General Petraeus was saying in essence: Our troops may get killed if you exercise your constitutional right to protest against tyranny.  So, do not exercise your constitutional right. When this US citizen would not submit to the Generals request, the request became a threat. The United States Government officials all the way up to the Secretary of State began to defame him, and call him all sorts of names. They were intent on keeping him silent.  Thus, the United States said to Terry Jones, a pastor of a small congregation in Florida, who then became the man in the cross hairs: You have no freedom of speech.  If you speak out, it will cost you, for you are saying things that are offensive.

The story of Terry Jones is one of a man who is being demonized, persecuted and slandered by the United States Government and by the current Obama administration. He is being called a hate monger, Islamaphobic, a radical terrorist, a despicable man, and a crackpot Florida pastor and far worse by the United States Government and their adoring Media. The media and the government got together and stated that Terry Jones was the cause of all the unrest exemplified by a marching army of offended Muslems around the world.    He provoked them to a frenzy and this frenzy has cause many deaths.   Therefore, it is Terry Jones who is causing all the deaths.  Even Lindsey Graham said of the Terry Jones incident, “It is unfortunate we have freedom of speech.”   We have a marching army of ignorant politicians and they are ready to concede your liberties and freedom to win the war on terror!

Obama has declared in eloquent speeches, in two Islamic capitals that the United States would never go to war with Islam.   This, however, did not prevent Islam from declaring war on the United States.  See here, here and here.  If the truth be known, what you are now observing around the world is Islam waging war on the United States and their allies.   The Islamic states are organized into a group called the OIC (Organization of Islamic Corporation). This war has an initial objective and that objective is to take the freedom of speech from the United States citizen.    This and other objectives of Islam are listed on the OIC website. Look at their requests and consider what this administration has done to line up with these requests.  This is nothing more than the United States surrendering to the Islamic world.

The President of the United States said in a speech before the UN and I quote, “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”.   Slander in Islam is no less slander if it is the truth.   Truth is a defense of slander in this country. So, as a statement of truth and in defiance of this President and his treasonous administration, I proclaim:  The prophet of Islam is a murderous, lying, thieving pervert and the koran will teach you to be just like him!

The Feckless President

September 14, 2012

John L Fisk

President Obama’s administration used America’s Military to save the lives of Libyans in Libya.   The same President, who ripped Libya from Gaddafi and gave it to the Islamic militants, is faced with the Islamic militants killing Americans.    What does our President do when faced with the death of an American in an act of war?    He’s off to a fund raiser in Las Vegas.  Obama delays his trip by one hour to blame the killings and riots on the likes of Terry Jones, the Koran burning Preacher in Florida.    Obama is a traitor to America and America’s Constitution.    The truth of this statement is underscored by the inaction by the administration in the face of creditable warnings that came to the United States intelligence community days before the actual attacks.   The President for his part had not attended an intelligence briefing for over a week.  His time filled with golf courses and fund raisers which so prioritized his schedule  does not allow him time for a conference with the Prime Minister of Israel on an upcoming war.    Lowering that handy cap is far more important.  What a feckless treasonous President we have!

Consider the following scripture:

II Thessalonians  2: 10 – 12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

There is little reason not to believe that the whole world is laboring with lies.   Here are but a few put out by presidents:

(1) George Bush said, “god of Islam is God.”

(2)  George Bush also said, “Islam is a Peaceful religion.”

(3)  Obama and many media pundits have said, Islam is a great religion.

(4) Obama said we must respect the religion of Islam.

II Thessalonians is unfolding before the Christian and many in the Christian community are being turned over to the lie:  This so that the righteous may shine forth and the unrighteous may take a position of eternal shame.    Selah

No One Ever Calls Christians Peaceful!

September 2, 2012

John L Fisk

Ever notice that Christianity is never referred to as a religion of peace by political leaders?    Have you ever heard any president, senator or representative say, “You know Christianity is a religion of peace.”  On the other hand Islam is always referred to as a religion of peace.  This is the cry by our non-informed politician after every terrorist attack.    It is apparent that this is calling good evil and evil good.    It is a sign to those who care, that they are being lied to by the likes of George Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.   The mantra is “Islam is a Peaceful religion” and “We the non-Muslims must respect Islam.”  Despite the murderous attacks, despite the call for capitulation, despite the oppression by Islamic governments all over the earth Islam is called a peaceful religion.   Yes, the world has attempted to demonize Christians and promote Islam to the point of obsession.    This obsession is to convince all non-Muslims that Islam is a peaceful religion and Christians and Jews are evil and are about to destroy the world.  The Department of Homeland Security under Janet Napolitano actually reported in 2009 that the ones who were most likely to become terrorists were Christians and veterans returning from service.  The report was pulled after the natural public back-lash.  But this is an insight into what the administration actually thinks.    About the time that Janet Napolitano was going on about Christians and veterans,  Barack Hussein Obama went to two major Islamic capitals and said that the United States was not at war with Islam nor would the United States ever be at war with Islam.   In His book “Audacity of Hope”  Obama is quoted as saying,  “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”  The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope”.     Why would Obama think that there would ever be a conflict between Islam and any other political or religious faction?   Why would he commit to no war with Islam while Islam literally declares war on the U.S.   Obama has already demonstrated that in the event of a conflict between the Jews and Islam he would stand with Islam.   Whether Obama is a Muslim or not is irrelevant for all his actions are prejudiced towards Islam.  So the argument can end and the conclusions made in the event of a war between the United States and Islam, Obama will be and is a traitor.

Those who understand that we are not fighting a war of terror but rather a war against the ideology of Islam, also understand that the operatives of the war, enemy agents if you will, are in high places in the current administration.   The Muslim Brotherhood has filled deputy positions from Homeland Security to the State Department.   The election that we are entering is not a choice between big and little government.   No, it is not between the Dems and the Reps.  It is about the very foundation of liberty, it is about law under the US Constitution or tyranny under sharia law.  This is not understood by many in the current crop of politicians especially those with a “D” behind their name.   But you who do understand know that there is much more at stake than a black candidate or a white candidate.  No, it is not about racism,  it is about your freedom and liberty. You who ho-hum this, consider that what I am about to write is a death sentence in Islamic countries.      Islam is an evil plight on the face of the earth and 20,000 Muslims have declared their support for this administration and the DNC (Democratic Nation Conference) is about to have their convention opened with an Islamic prayer.   I do not know what you will do but as for me I will serve Yehovah and not the evil god of Islam or his minions!

The Stand

August 2, 2012

 John L. Fisk


I gave a message sometime ago that we the people of Yehovah must stand.  Our allegiance cannot be to a country that has turned its back on Yehovah.   We must stand with Yehovah, our position cannot be determined by a majority vote nor by a traitorous tyrant in a white house.   The Kingdom is our dominion and the loyalty is to His Kingdom.  I spoke that you must STAND for Yehovah and you will be attacked you just because you make that STAND and because they HATE Yehovah.   A few days after the message, Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy stood with Yehovah on the issue of same sex marriage.   He did not attack nor did he slander anyone, he simple said that he did not believe that same sex marriage was compatible with his values.  He also said that legalizing same sex marriage invites the judgment of God on this nation.   The attack was immediate!  The mayors of three major cities and more Democrats Then you could shake a finger at, said they wanted to “outlaw” Chick-Fil-A.  The attack is still going on, but I am happy to say that Christians all over the country are beginning to STAND.  Yehovah knows that the United States would not defend Cathy’s rights for they are standing with the mayors.  Cathy has weathered constant attacks.  The media is attacking with headlines that make Cathy look like a bigot; Democrats across the country are trying to destroy Chick-Fil-A.  Do not expect the United States Justice department to prosecute anyone who transgresses Cathy’s rights.  Make no mistake, these Democrats are attacking his first amendment rights.  The United States will do nothing to the transgressors.    This is the course this nation has taken and I will not STAND with America but I will STAND with Chick-Fil-A as they STAND with Yehovah!

I just came from lunch at “Chick-Fil-A “ because I chose to STAND with them and will support them.  I support their effort and will resist the United States’ effort to attack the principles of Yehovah and transgress my first amendment rights.   Do not expect this to be the end of the war. We have just begun to fight STAND, for having done all, you too can STAND!


July 22, 2012

The curtain has been withdrawn on Obama    and his cast of czars.  It is now obvious that this administration sits in the same position as the Nazi régime when the Riechstag burned.    The event became the opportunity that the Nazi used to take over Germany.    Hitler knew how to turn a disaster into an opportunity; a regular expert.    The picture is from the 1933 burning of the Reichstag, shows the building with the words “Dem Deutchen Volke” emblazoned on the front.  These words simply translate into “the German People” and history has shown that it was the end of the German republic until the blood shed of WWII had draw it’s last drop.  Obama’s latest assault on the first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution is just another point of throwing the whole constitution into the fire:  a constitution that begins with the words,  “We the People”.   The latest flames are the attempt to pass a treaty with the UN to torches the second amendment.  The ink is not dry on the document signed by Clinton to take your second amendment rights.   Americans do not seem to realize that treaties are laws that supersede the US Constitution, but Obama has it all figured out.  He also knows that congress will not act to defend the constitution of the United States.  With the arrogance of a dictator Obama made a recess  appointment to the Department of Labor when there was no recess.   Rather than put out the fire to the burning of an article of the constitution, congress does what they do best NOTHING.    With congressional approval there was a law passed on New Year’s Eve which revoked your right to due process given the government thinks you’re a terrorist.  Obama is now burning the first amendment by dictating to your conscience, telling you what you must believe and enforcing his dictates by an army of non-elected czars.   The flames are scorching the second amendment, devoured the tenth and the fifth.  The main articles of the constitution are now becoming fuel for the fire.  The ignorance of the American people is the breeze needed to feed the fire oxygen .  Our constitution will be in the ash bucket soon.   As many of the German people celebrated the rise of the brutal Nazi régime, so many Americans are celebrating the rise of the oppressive and destructive Obama régime.    This is not the time for good men to be silent.  The wolf is at the door.  We do not have the luxury of one more year let alone four.   The up-and-coming election is critical.  Congress will do nothing but warm their hands by the fire. The courts will do nothing but throw fuel on the fire.   The fate of the United States has been placed by Yehovah into the hands of the people, that is, “We the People.”    Our hope is now in the hands of the people and if that fails our only hope is the mercy of Yehovah.   Selah

The Incredible Power of Suggestion

July 15, 2012

The Incredible Power of Suggestion

 “…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live”

   Deuteromony 30:19

 Your God Given Liberty is being Stolen by suggestion:

When do we Stand?

When do we Fight?

We now live in a country where the military celebrates gays and rejects the name of our Savor; where  society pushes and urges churches to act against their conscience and Christian denominations ponder the process of blessing same sex marriages; where the government has taken your right to choose Life.  Liberty is being stolen,

When do YOU stand?

When do YOU fight?

I Suggest now!


November 6, 2011

John L Fisk

Obama’s Arab spring blossomed into a glorious sweet smelling nirvana cesspool.   Egypt shed itself of Mubarak and gave itself over to Islam and the fruit of blossoms: Coptic Christian being killed, Jews being jailed and war being threatened with Israel.  Tunis, the initial bud of this Arab spring was reported to flower into a model of capitalism and Jeffersonian liberty.   The fruit is the oppression of sharia law.  The warmth of this spring broke out as a war in Libya.   Obama, NATO and the US press said Libya would go from a terrorist state into a bastion of freedom and security, that is, as–soon-as those nasty anti-aircraft missiles can be found.    Now the warmth of the Arab spring has gone skipping and tripping into Syria, Jordan, Gaza, Yemen and Saudi Arabia and many other countries where freedom loving idealistic Islamic terrorist live.   Ten of thousand have died and many more must before the great “Pure” Islamic kingdom comes to full fruit.   The perfection of the final solution has not been realized, the slaughter of both Christians and Jews will continue until the goal is reached.    When all the Islamic states melt together into one pure great Islamic nation the world will be close to perfect.  Christians and Jews will have been totally wiped-out, converted or subjected, the Islamic kingdom, will be here for all to smell.  Oppression and tyranny will be common. Yes, Obama’s Arab spring will have come to full fruit – right before your eyes noses.   Now that Kaddafi is dead and al Qaeda’s flag flies over the city hall in Benghazi.    Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, is making a victory tour of Libya.  (You can’t make this up.) Can you imagine what this administration will do when the Muslim Caliphate comes to power over the kingdom of Islam?   Why, nirvana and victory would be proclaimed in the halls of government through out Washington and you will be Islamic, dead or subjected.  Glorious days will be proclaimed and death to those who do not celebrate the oppression.   But, there is always the possibility that you may wake-up and choose to stand for your God given liberty and freedom.  You may even choose Yehovah over the god of Islam.  Imagine!  Yes, imagine, for you have the God given choice as to what Kingdom you may enter:  the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness.  You do not have to exercise your choice but that just mean you will stay where the enemy (Islam) places you.    Yehovah suggests you choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19).  So do I.


October 17, 2011

John L Fisk


Obama decided last week that it was in the security interest of the United States to send troops to central Africa to fight against a rebel group called the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).   The press is now reporting that this “Christian” fringe group of about 10 to 15 hundred operating from Southern Sudan,   is going around raping, killing and slave trading, and their nefarious activity has suddenly become a threat to the United States security.    I had not heard of the LRA until last week.   But, I have heard of Omar Hassan al-Bashr, he is the convicted international criminal  who has murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians in southern Sudan.   Is it not curious,  that it is not in the United States’ interest to send troops to overthrow Omar Hassan Al-Bashr?

Then there’s the Muslim Brotherhood, the sponsor of Hamas and other infamous Muslim terrorist groups.  They are poised to take over Egypt in November.  The Egyptian army killed scores of Coptic Christians Last week in apparent attempt to please the Muslim Brotherhood.  They killed a few Christians by running them over with US made tanks.  This  should have made the front page of the NY Times, but it did not.   The US media reported very little on the event.  The United States not only did not see fit to condemn the act but is continuing aid to Egypt.   Is it not curious how the 1500 strong LRA looms as a bigger threat than the millions in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood?

The Obama administration must have heard of the al-Shabaab, a Muslim terrorist group tied to al-Qaeda.  They have been sponsoring raids on shipping, including US shipping, along the horn of Africa.  This week the al-Shabaab have kidnapped  aid workers from refugee camps in Kenya  who were helping the Somali famine victims.  They were in Kenya to escape the al-Shabaab.   What a curiosity that the LRA is considered more of a threat to the United States than the al-Shabaab.

Then there is the Hezbollah, an Iranian linked Muslim group who are mustering forces in Mexico, joining with drug cartels to attack US interests in the United States.    This is the same group that attacked US Marines in Lebanon in the early 1980’s, killing scores of US Marines.  Last week the Obama administration, in what appears to be a “wag the dog” moment, revealed the plot where Iranian agents were going to attack interests in the United States.   This was just about the time he announced  the sending of troops to central Africa to counter the LRA.  I suspect that the announcement about the action of the Iranian agents from Mexico was a political necessity given the heat the administration was getting on “Fast and Furious.”  The action seemed to work for the US press dutifully amplified attorney General Holder’s announcement on this account over the scandal of “Fast and Furious.” Curious, how the LRA in central Africa is more of a threat than the Hezbollah mustering on the United States border.

One more thing, the LRA has other enemies.  They are the Muslim terrorist groups mentioned above.   Curious, is it not?   How different would the actions of Barack Hussein Obama be if he were a Muslim, allied with our terrorist enemies?   How different would his actions be if Barack Hussein Obama were a traitor trying to undermine the security of the United States?   Curious.

Reflections on the Word

September 8, 2011

By: Bruce Johnson

Pastor Ready Creek Baptist Church

How she sits alone, the city once crowded with people! She who was great among the nations has become like a widow. The princess among the provinces has been put to forced labor. She weeps aloud during the night, with tears on her cheeks. There is no one to offer her comfort, not one from all her lovers. All her friends have betrayed her; they have become her enemies. Judah has gone into exile following affliction and harsh slavery; she lives among the nations but finds no place to rest. All her pursuers have overtaken her in narrow places. The roads to Zion mourn, for no one comes to the appointed festivals. All her gates are deserted; her priests groan, her young women grieve, and she herself is bitter. Her adversaries have become her masters; her enemies are at ease, for the LORD has made her suffer because of her many transgressions. Her children have gone away as captives before the adversary.  (Lamentations 1:1-5)

Following the book of Jeremiah is Lamentations in which Jeremiah tells the grieving story of Jerusalem’s demise. The LXX have the following words as an introduction: “And it came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and Jerusalem was become desolate, that Jeremiah sat weeping, and lamented with this lamentation over Jerusalem.”   (LXX is the abbreviation for Septuagint which an Old Testament manuscript written in Greek.) Jeremiah had warned Jerusalem from God of the coming destruction even when the people had refused to listen. Yet he didn’t gloat over being right but wept bitterly when it happened even as Jesus wept over that same city’s destruction due to Israel not receiving Him.

The reason that God lifted His ever protective hand and allowed the destruction of His beloved city is in the 5th verse above, the LORD has made her suffer because of her many transgressions. This coming Sunday we remember 9/11, the terrible events that happened on September 11, 2001 when the twin towers in New York and the Pentagon were attacked by hijacked aircraft manned by Muslim terrorists and thousands of people were murdered by followers of an evil god. Our heavenly Father allowed this to happen perhaps for the same reason that Jerusalem was allowed to be conquered, because of the sins of our nation.

Ann Graham Lotz, when asked where was God, she said that He was a gentleman and wouldn’t go where He wasn’t wanted as prayer in schools had been forbidden and in many other ways, He wasn’t desired. A friend of mine, a retired captain from the NY police department who was on duty on 9/11 and watched the towers collapse, said that God was there when the towers collapsed straight down instead of tipping because had the latter happened perhaps millions would have died instead of thousands.

But at the remembrance on Sunday, the mayor of NY is not allowing any prayer or clergy or first responders, unless he changes because of a massive appeal, to be presented him on Thursday. There are still many attempts by many of our nation’s leaders to keep our heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ out of public life. This is especially true as they are bowing to evil Islam who has gained so much clout due to our leaders in high places. Since January there have been 77 disasters and FEMA hasn’t any money to help the suffering as the nation is broke. What more will happen with what is scheduled to happen even this month? Pray, prepare for disaster and be sure you are right with the Father. Let the latter be first, but be ready.


September 5, 2011

By John L Fisk

The UN is being staged for a vote to effectively by-pass Israel in the forming of a Palestinian state.   The UN resolution will form a UN state by fiat, declaring Judah and Samira and Gaza the Palestinian state.  The ultimate plan includes unilaterally splitting Jerusalem, Israel’s capital in two.   One half of this city would then become the capital of the Palestinian state.    There are about 140 nations on board for the upcoming vote at the UN.   The whole event seems to be a fulfillment of the scripture, “He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar, and will whistle to them from the ends of the earth;  Surely they shall come with speed, swiftly.”   Isaiah 5:26 NKJV.  It is incredible to me that the nations of the world would choose to pick a fight with Yehovah.   But, this is just what they seem ready to do.    The United States for its part is expected to veto the resolution in the event it comes to the Security Council.   But, the Obama administration has been using the upcoming veto to twist Israel’s arm into capitulation on many diplomatic issues.  The most recent was an attempt to extract an apology from Israel to Turkey concerning the infamous flotilla that came from Turkey which saw the loss of life.  The truth is Israel was being ask to apologize for defending itself.   There is no doubt that the President of the United States would love to vote yes on this resolution but it is politically not expedient.  On the other hand, the banner that Yehovah is raising in Israel is compelling and the nations are being called by Yehovah Himself.   Don’t be surprised if the United States does NOT veto this resolution.    Come Soon,  Lord Jesus.


September 1, 2011

By John L. Fisk

When talking about the culmination of the ages and the return of Yeshua, the question is often asked, “ Where in this biblical prophetic declaration is the United States?   After all, if the end of the age is near, do you not think that the United States would be mentioned, even allegorically?”

Yes, I would unless… and I hesitate to consider — the unless.

The last three years I have seen the Unites States brought to the edge of disaster.   Economic, military, social and moral disaster all coming together as a destructive force leading the United States to position of  insignificance on the world scene.  The abandonment of Yehovah and the profaning of His name are actions which are  bringing the United States to this state of insignificance.     Yehovah is Just and His Judgment will not be stayed forever.   The United States has not repented of its abandonment of righteousness, but has fallen into  a deep abyss by evidence of new laws which codify everything from same sex marriage, to abortion and an economic disaster is knocking at our gates as a besieging army.   We as a nation have come to a point in which there is no turning back.  There are only two choices:  enter into His judgment or be destroyed by His judgment.      The United States has reached that point.     This ignition point has caused many  to say, “My God would not do such a thing as judge a nation.  My God is love and judgment is not in Him.”   I say to you: you do not know God.    God has certainly left our schools, courts and market places and He has sent strange people with strange gods into these places where He once was.   Our God does judge His people when they reject Him and profane His name.   Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

The Glory and the Socialist

February 13, 2011

John L Fisk



Remember being shown three pictures and being asked to select the one that was different.   It was to teach you how to observe.  I believe the power of observation comes naturally.  Place two 14-month-old babies in a play-pen and give one a cookie and give the other nothing.   It is almost guaranteed that the one with nothing will notice.  The chances are all out war will ensue.   The grabbing and pulling will begin first;   then the screaming and yelling; and then the punching and finally all-out play pen war.  It will not stop until the baby that was giving nothing is given a cookie or one of the babies eats the cookie in victory.  It has been my experience that the former is most often the solution.  At least one parent or caretaker adopts a policy of “what I do for one I must do for another.”  It is from this mentality that a Socialist is born.   A socialist cannot stand for one to have more than another.   It is the cause of all the world’s evils for one to have more than another.  They think all things must be fair and equal.  Furthermore, they will proclaim with a self righteous voice “men should only have enough for their needs.”  A socialist cannot bear to see anyone blessed.   Socialism perceives men as babies always needing their oversight.   God is NOT a socialist!   Yehovah, from whom all blessings flow, often gives to one more than another.   He has so much to impart.  He imparts to some power, to others riches and to yet others strength.    He imparts glory to those that give back to Him and that is His way.   His way is hated by the socialist.   Socialism treats men like babies in a play-pen.   Yehovah does not.   He is a just God, a loving God and He treats men as His kinsman.  He rewards those who love Him.   The Glory of God is made manifest in the contrast.  The contrast between light and darkness is made profound when juxtaposed.   Yehovah, my God, has put before each man liberty and that liberty is given so that he may choose between life and death.  The socialist does not want anyone blessed more than another so liberty is not given to men.  It is Yehovah who gives liberty.  It is men with their ideology who endeavor to remove liberty.  Such is the way of governments under the pretense of socialism.


I rejoice for my God is just and gives blessings, and honor and glory to men and I give Him blessings, and honor and glory.   This is the relationship all men should have with Yehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.



February 6, 2011

John L Fisk

The downfall of a nations is at hand when the political correct lies generated by its leaders are actually believed by a majority of its people.   One such lie is the infamous statement that, “Islam is a peaceful religion.”   This particular untruth pours out of United States politicians and the complicit press spreads the lie on the airways where it fast becomes a fatal pollutant.

This fact is not lost in this week’s events.    Have you heard that the rioters in Egypt are seeking democracy?    Do you believe it?   Have you heard that Egypt’s current leader, Hosni Mubarak the 30 year ally of the United States, should step down immediately?    Have you noticed that the excited press ran to Egypt to cover the riots thinking they were covering the likes of the Boston Tea Party?  They spread out over Egypt in search of those illusive democrats who wanted to establish justice and a democratic system.    Unfortunately, they found thugs, murderers, kidnappers and the Muslim brotherhood.   Not to be discouraged, the press made every attempt to sanitize and purify the Muslim Brotherhood who spawned the likes of Hamas and Al-Qaida.  Have you heard lately from the press or any of the political pundits that the  Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Anwar Sadat because he entered into a peace treaty with Israel?   I haven’t, but it is true.   I have heard that Barack never-go-to-war-with-Islam Obama is now trying to overtly place the Islamic Brotherhood in power.   The Muslim Brotherhood yearns to go to war with Israel, but what the harm?   The New York Times has a news story dated February 3, 2011 which contains this paragraph:

…The {Obama’s} proposal also calls for the transitional government to invite members from a broad range of opposition groups, including the banned Muslim Brotherhood, to begin work to open up the country’s electoral system in an effort to bring about free and fair elections in September, the officials said.

The press is not mentioning that the President of the United States is rejecting an ally and placing an enemy in power.    Would you expect less from a traitor?

Did you know that the likes of Code Pink and Bill Ayers, both darlings of the current administration, are among the rioters in Egypt?   Did you know that they were part of the infamous flotilla that tried to break the Gaza Blockade?    You may not know that Egypt was also blockading Gaza at the time of the incident.    I can assure you Egypt will no longer side with Israel on any issue.

Did you know that my God, Yehovah, will consume them with the brightness of His coming?  I would suggest a slow insightful read of Second Thessalonians 2.


December 19, 2010

John L Fisk



Many nations of the UN now have in their mind that they will just recognize Palestine as a separate and sovereign power. This would bring forth a new nation on the earth simply by taking it from Israel.  They are drunk with the consumption of oil and laboring under the impression that they can solve the problem of peace in the middle-east.    It seems they are getting weary of the perpetually failed “peace” talks between Israel and the Arabs.   As for the borders of this new country, they will be made out of whole cloth.  They will auto-magically connect Gaza and Judah and Samaria into one homogenous piece of land and while performing this feat of magic Jerusalem would be divided into two cities.  The nations would then wink as the Arabs threw thousands of Israelis out of their homes.   What a plan!  Some of the details of the plan are for the Fatah under Abbas to declare Palestine an independent and sovereign state. The nations of the UN would then vote to recognize the new state on the very same land that they gave to Israel in 1948.   What could go wrong?   What could go wrong, indeed?


Little do the nations know that our God, Yehovah is laughing at their plans and will soon answer them in His wrath.  There is no consideration in the hearts of these nations as to the One they are dealing.   I have a desire to see the culmination of this conflict that is the Prince of Peace established on His Holy mountain.  I pray for the protection and peace of that great city Jerusalem and at the same time I know that the moment is approaching when the Prince of Peace will be established.    The Leader of these nations is satan himself and you are watching with your own eyes the gathering storm.  Consider that these events were chronicled over two-thousand years ago by Hebrew prophets.  Pray that you are hid in the coming days.


The Attempted Robbery of Your Liberty

November 28, 2010

John L Fisk

November 26, 2010

The United States Government under the current administration is attacking you and your God given liberty.  They believe that liberty is theirs to give and thus they may steal it to create a multi-cultural utopia.  These tyrants, posing as multi-cultural supporters are attempting to take control of the government of the United States and thus control all aspects of your life.   The United States Government no longer derives its power from the people but from their own miss-guided “righteous(sic)” multi-cultural objectives.  One of the latest examples is a judge in Oklahoma placing a stay on a law passed by a referendum to not consider sharia law in Oklahoma’s courts. This law passed with the consent of 70% of the people. This speaks to the desire of the United States government to go against the people in the name of multi-culturalists.  The same tyranny is going on in California with gay marriage.  The majority of the people would like to go in the direction of righteousness and protect marriage, but because this offends the gays, the people are prohibited from making a law against gay marriage and the government again dictates to the people in the name of the multi-culturalists.

The current government administrators are regulating your speech, your food, your religion, and even the privacy of your own body and their intrusion does not stop here.   In the name of better health care they are controlling what doctor you see and the care you receive.  They want to determine whether you are worth the price of available care, yes, they want to determine whether you should live or die taking not only liberty but life itself.   The United States is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave; it is rather the land of bondsmen and the home of the intimidated.   When I read that by a ratio of 2-1 the American people would trade exposing themselves to the government for feeling safe in a multi-cultural sociality, I quake! The government has convinced the people that “racial profiling” is so repulsive that they should rather submit themselves to strip searches to insure safety.

Liberty and life are coupled, for without liberty you cannot choose life.  Yahweh once said to His people as they were to embark into the promised land:

See, I [Yahweh] have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil; Deuteronomy 30:15.

Our God set before His people liberty so that they may choose.   Why did He do this?  So His people may demonstrate their love for Him.   This is shown in the very next verse where Moses wrote:

In that I command you this day to love Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that you may live and multiply: and Yahweh your God shall bless you in the land where you go to possess it. Deuteronomy 30:16.

The point is underscored in verse nineteen where it says:

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19.

What is a lover of liberty and life to do?  I submit that we are to stand against any tyrannical government and especially any government that attempts to take your liberty and disallows you to follow the commandments of your God, Yahweh.    The statement that “We all worship the same god” which is promoted by these multi-cultural tyrants is not only a lie; it transgresses the commandments of my God.  No, I do not worship the god of Islam that these multi-cultural tyrants would have me believe.  My God is Yahweh, a loving God who has a Son who died for my reconciliation to Him.   The god of Islam is not a loving god and has no son and no way of reconciliation except death.   The tyrants would have me believe that this is not true.  They have me believe there is many ways to God.  This is a lie, and no amount of tyranny will have me accept this for I will overcome these tyrants with the word of my testimony, the blood of the lamb and that I do not love my life unto death.

Liberty cannot be stolen it just costs you more to exercise it.  (selah)

Barack Obama Acts and the World No Longer Wonders

November 16, 2010

John L Fisk


The Islamic nation of Pakistan is tied by India’s intelligence to the Mumbai terrorist attacks which killed many Jews and hundreds of others and  Obama says to India, “Be patient.” The Islamic nation of Iranians goes forward with the development of a nuclear bomb and Obama says, “Iran has every right to pursue nuclear independence.” Forty six or more Christians are killed in an attack on a Christian Church in the Islamic nation of Iraq and Obama’s silence is deafening. The most populous Muslim nation in the world, Indonesian is where Obama offers to reach out to Muslims. Israel plans to build apartments in Jerusalem and Obama says, “The action is troubling.” The Pakistani receives patience, the Iranians are justified, the Iraqis receive silence, the Indonesians are reached out to and Israelis are condemned.  You do not have to be a political analyst to know that the United States and its friends have an enemy in the White House and our enemies have a friend in the same place.  How else would you interpret recent events?